Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

4.5 信用できないウェブページまたはウェブサイト

最新原文: 2024年03月05日 |公開日: 2024年09月30日






● 信頼できる情報源としてのウェブページに対するユーザーの信頼を失わせるような、複数の、または重大な事実誤認がある情報ページ
● 目的に対してウェブサイトやコンテンツ作成者の情報が不十分
● E-E-A-Tが最低、または評判が非常に低い
● 欺く目的、欺くページデザイン、または意図的に欺く内容
● 故意にMCを妨害・隠蔽したもの
● 詐欺、悪質なダウンロード、その他の有害な行為の特徴がある
● 自己、他者または特定の集団に危害を加える一方で、ウェブサイトや他の組織の利益になるような行動をとるよう人々を操作するように設計されたウェブページまたはウェブサイト



4.5 Untrustworthy Webpages or Websites

The Lowest rating should be used for pages or websites you strongly suspect are engaging in deceptive or malicious practices.

Some untrustworthy pages are created to benefit the website or organization rather than helping people. Some untrustworthy pages may even exist to cause harm to people who engage with the page, such as scams or malicious downloads.

Your assessment of untrustworthiness may be based on the content of the page, information about the website, information about the content creator, and the reputation of the website or content creator.

Your assessment may also be based on a lack of critically important information. For example, any website involving financial transactions or sensitive information should have comprehensive information about who is responsible for the site and a way to contact the site if something goes wrong.
If some aspect of a page or website makes you suspect deception or maliciousness, please look for information about the site. If you cannot find reputation information to confirm your suspicion, carefully explore the site.

Sometimes a single page on an unknown website in isolation may seem odd but subsequent exploration shows no concern. However, if you see a pattern of what appears to be deception or manipulation or become concerned about your own safety, please use the Lowest rating and leave the website immediately.

Pages with the following characteristics should be considered Untrustworthy:
● Multiple or significant factual inaccuracies on an informational page which would cause users to lose trust in the webpage as a reliable source of information
● Inadequate information about the website or content creator for its purpose
● Lowest E-E-A-T or Lowest reputation
● Deceptive purpose, deceptive page design, or deceptive intent
● Deliberately obstructed or obscured MC
● Characteristics of scams, malicious downloads, or other harmful behavior
● Any webpage or website designed to manipulate people into actions that benefit the website or other organization while causing harm to self, others, or Specified Groups

Important: Highly untrustworthy pages should be given the Lowest rating even if you are unable to “prove” the webpage or site is harmful. Because many people are unwilling to use a highly untrustworthy page, an untrustworthy page or website fails to achieve its purpose.