Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met レーティングのガイドライン」

18.0 Needs Metレーティングと新鮮さ

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年07月30日


クエリのタイプ クエリの参考例 説明






[オリンピック]、[アメリカンアイドル]、[レッドソックス スケジュール]、[納税申告書類]、[選挙]


Current information queries [population of paris], [amount of u.s. debt], [airfare from ny to sfo], [next federal holiday]

Assume users are looking for the most current information, such as prices or airfare.


[iPhone]、[トヨタ カムリ]、[ウィンドウズ オペレーティングシステム]


クエリが最近のコンテンツを要求する場合、現在の、最近の、または更新されたコンテンツを持つページのみが高いNeeds Met評価を得るべきです。このようなクエリには過去のイベント、古い製品モデルや価格、古い情報などのページは役に立ちません。それらは”古い”とみなされ、低いNeeds Met評価を受けるべきです。場合によっては古い結果は役に立たないのでFailsMと評価されるべきでしょう。


ページクオリティ(Page Quality)の評価では一般的に鮮度はあまり気にされません。”古い”ページが高いPage Quality評価を得ることもあります。例えば評判が高いニュースサイトの中には”アーカイブ”コンテンツを維持しているものがあります。しかし、メンテナンスされていない、または放棄された”古い”ウェブサイトや、メンテナンスされておらず不正確、または誤解を招くようなコンテンツは低いPage Quality評価の理由となります。

注意:ページが作成された日付はそのコンテンツが最後に更新または修正された日付と異なる場合があります。コンテンツが更新されるとページが作成された日付ではなく、更新された日付が表示される事もあります。コンテンツが最後に更新された日にかかわらず、常に現在の日付を表示するウェブサイトもあります。ページの内容が気になる場合はこちらを参照してInternet Archiveの”Wayback Machine”を試してみてください。全てのページが網羅されているわけではありませんが、このツールを使えばいくつかのページがどのように作成され、その内容が時間の経過と共にどの様に変化ししたのかを知ることができるかもしれません。

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP、Needs Met評価、ページ品質評価 説明

クエリ: [NASA 火星 着陸]







クエリ: [ロサンゼルスの交通]






この LP は、2012 年 8 月 6 日のロサンゼルスの交通状況を示しています。



ユーザーの意図:この賞の最新の受賞者の名前を検索します。これは Know Simple クエリです。この例が最初に書かれた時点では、2011 年がノーベル平和賞が授与された最新の年でした。





クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP、Needs Met評価、ページ品質評価 説明

クエリ: [関節炎]




Medline Plusは、コンテンツを定期的に更新する信頼できるウェブサイトです。



クエリ: [フランクリン・D・ルーズベルトはいつ生まれたか]

ユーザーロケーション: シカゴ、イリノイ州





このクエリに対する古いページは見つかりませんでした。 N/A(該当なし)

18.0 Needs Met Rating and Freshness

Some queries demand very recent or “fresh” information. Users may be looking for “breaking news,” such as an important event or natural disaster happening right now. Here are different types of queries demanding current/recent results.

Type of Query Example Queries Explanation

“Breaking news” queries

[tornado], [tsunami]

Assume users need the information right away.

Imagine someone who needs immediate weather information because a big storm is coming. Information about last year’s weather would not be helpful.

Recurring event queries, such as elections, sports events, TV shows, conferences, etc.

[olympics], [american idol], [redsox schedule], [tax forms], [elections]

Assume users are looking for the most recent or current information about the event.
For example, if the Olympics are happening right now, users searching [olympics] want information about the current Olympics, not results from years ago. If the next Olympics are a few months away, users are probably interested in the
upcoming Olympics.

Current information queries

[population of paris], [amount of u.s. debt], [airfare from ny to sfo], [next federal holiday]

Assume users are looking for the most current information, such as prices or airfare.

Product queries

[iphone], [toyota camry], [windows operating system]

Assume users are looking for information about the most recent model/version for these product queries.

When a query demands recent content, only pages with current, recent, or updated content should get high Needs Met ratings. For these queries, pages about past events, old product models and prices, outdated information, etc. are not helpful. They should be considered “stale” and given low Needs Met ratings. In some cases, stale results are useless and should be rated FailsM.

For some queries, there may be “newsy” or recent information user intent, as well as more “timeless” information user intent. Users issuing queries for celebrities or politicians may be interested in biographical information, or users may be looking for the latest news or gossip.

Freshness is generally less of a concern for Page Quality rating. “Stale” pages can have high Page Quality ratings. For example, some highly reputable news websites maintain “archival” content. However, unmaintained/abandoned “old” websites or unmaintained and inaccurate/misleading content is a reason for a low Page Quality rating.

Note: The date the page was created may be different from when the content was last updated or modified. When content is updated, the page will sometimes show the date of the update, not the date the page was created. Some websites always show the current date, regardless of when the content was last updated. If you are curious about the content of a page, see here to try the “Wayback Machine” on the Internet Archive. Not all pages are available, but this tool may help you understand how some pages were created and how their content has changed over time.

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating, Page Quality Rating Explanation

Query: [nasa mars landing]

User Location: San Francisco, California

User Intent: On the date this example was written, NASA had just landed the “Curiosity” rover on Mars. Most users are probably looking for breaking news and pictures about the event.


This LP has an article about the “Curiosity” rover landing, published on the same day as the landing, which is the day this example was written.


This LP has an article about the launching of the “Curiosity” rover, published nine months before its landing on Mars. The content on this page would be considered stale for the query.

Query: [los angeles traffic]

User Location: Los Angeles, California

User Intent: Users are looking for current information about traffic conditions in Los Angeles. Even pages about traffic conditions the day before would be considered stale for the query.


This LP shows traffic conditions in Los Angeles on August 7, 2012, which is the day this example was written.


This LP shows traffic conditions in Los Angeles on August 6, 2012.
It is stale and useless for the query even though it is only one day old.

Query: [nobel peace prize winner]

User Location: San Diego, California

User Intent: Find the name of the most recent winner of this prize. This is a Know Simple query. At the time this example was originally written, 2011 was the most recent year that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded.


This LP on the New York Times website has information about the most recent winner of this prize, based on the date when this example was written.


This LP on the BBC website has information about the 2006 winner of this prize. This page is stale for the query.

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating, Page Quality Rating Explanation

Query: [arthritis]

User Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

User Intent: Users are looking for information about this disease.
Because there is ongoing research done on treatments and cures for most diseases, users are probably looking for authoritative, up-to-date information on arthritis.


Medline Plus is an authoritative website that regularly updates its content.


This 2006 article would be considered stale for this medical query.

Query: [when was franklin d roosevelt born]

User Location: Chicago, Illinois

User Intent: Users want to find this well understood fact.


This LP has the information users are looking for.


We couldn’t find a stale page for this query. N/A