Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

3.3.2 評判情報としての顧客レビュー

最新原文: 2024年03月05日 | 公開日:2024年09月29日







3.3.2 Customer Reviews as Reputation Information

Customer reviews can be helpful for assessing the reputation of a store, business, or any website that offers products or services to users. You may consider a large number of detailed, trustworthy, positive user reviews as evidence of positive reputation for a store or business.

However, you should interpret customer reviews with care, particularly if there are only a few. Keep the following in mind:
● Be skeptical of both positive and negative reviews. Anyone can write them, including the website owner or someone whom the store or business hires for this purpose.

● Try to find as many reviews as possible. Any store or business can get a few negative reviews—this is completely normal and expected. Large stores and companies receive thousands of reviews, and most receive some negative ones.

● Read the reviews because the content of the reviews matter, not just the number or star rating. Credible, convincing reports of fraud and financial wrongdoing is evidence of extremely negative reputation. On the other hand, a single encounter with a rude clerk or the delayed receipt of a single package should not be considered negative reputation information. Please use your judgment.