Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 1「ページ品質評価のガイドライン」

3.3.4 コンテンツ作成者の評判

最新原文: 2024年03月05日 | 公開日:2024年09月29日





3.3.4 Reputation of the Content Creators

For individual authors and content creators, biographical information articles and online discussions can be a good source of reputation information. Expect to find more formal reputation information about people who create content in a journalistic, scientific, academic, or other traditionally professional capacity, as they often need online credibility for professional success. Educational degrees, peer validation, expert co-authors, and citations can be evidence of positive reputation information for professionals who publish their work. Employment history can also support a positive reputation for topics where training, credentials, or experience are important.

Influencers and other individual content creators who earn income on social media platforms often have reputation information available as well, ranging from from biographical details or news articles to less formal reputation sources such as comments by other influencers in their fields.

For non-professional content creators including ordinary people who post on social media or forums, you may find informal reputation information on the page itself such as comments by other people about the creators. For example, you may find comments or posts from other users helpful to see what other people think about a particular content creator.