Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met レーティングのガイドライン」

21.0 製品クエリ:閲覧と調査の重要性

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年08月15日

例えば[ipad レビュー]のようないくつかの製品クエリには、明確な情報検索(Know)の意図があります。他の製品クエリ、例えば[購入 ipad]は明確な購入(Do)の意図があります。また、[ipad]のような製品クエリには、明確なナビゲーション(ウェブサイト)の意図があります。しかし、ほとんどの製品クエリは、明らかに1つの意図を指定しているわけではありません。




多くの場合、製品クエリの結果はYMYLページです。ユーザーは製品を調査するときに、特に製品が高価である場合、または大きな投資/重要なライフ イベントを表す場合 (車、洗濯機、コンピューター、結婚祝い、ベビー用品、ハリケーンシャッター、大型フィットネス機器など)、信頼できる情報源からの質の高い情報を必要とします。
製品を購入するとき、ユーザーは信頼できるウェブサイト、つまり良い評判、充実したカスタマーサービスサポートなどを必要とします。製品のクエリに対する結果は、お金と人生 (YMYL) の両方にとって重要かもしれません。

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP、Needs Met評価、ページ品質評価 説明

クエリ:[high definition tv]





クエリ: [cufflinks]


ユーザーの意図: ほとんどのユーザーは、さまざまなカフスボタンのスタイルやオプションを見つけて閲覧または購入したいと考えているでしょう。


クエリ: [twist of fate ring pandora]


ユーザーの意図:ユーザーは Pandora ブランドで販売されている特定の指輪を探しており、その指輪について調べ、どのようなものかを確認し、閲覧や購入のオプションを見つけたいと考えているようです。




21.0 Product Queries: Importance of Browsing and Researching

Some product queries, such as [ipad reviews], have a clear information-seeking (Know) intent. Other product queries, such as [buy ipad], have a clear purchase (Do) intent. And some product queries, such as [ipad], have a clear navigation (Website) intent. However, most product queries don’t obviously specify one type of intent.

Keep in mind that many users enjoy browsing and visually exploring products online, similar to window shopping in real life. Give high Needs Met ratings to results that allow users to research, browse, and decide what to purchase.

Users may not always plan to buy products online that they are browsing and researching, for example, cars or major appliances. Even though the ultimate goal may be to purchase a product, many other activities may take place first: researching the product (reviews, technical specifications), understanding the options that are available (brands, models, pricing), viewing and considering various options (browsing), etc.

Important: Page Quality ratings for product results need extra care and attention.

Often,the results for product queries are YMYL pages. Users need high quality information from authoritative sources when researching products, especially when products are expensive or represent a major investment/important life event (e.g., cars, washing machines, computers, wedding gifts, baby products, hurricane shutters, large fitness equipment).
When buying products, users need websites they can trust: good reputation, extensive customer service support, etc. Results for product queries may be important for both your money and your life (YMYL)!

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating, Page Quality Rating Explanation

Query: [high definition tv]

User Location: Los Angeles, California

User Intent: This query doesn’t specify a size or brand of TV. Users are probably doing research before making a purchase.


This LP has comprehensive information about different types of high definition TVs (plasma, LCD, LED), as well as reviews about many specific models. The website is known for having helpful reviews and information about electronics.

Query: [cufflinks]

User Location: Los Angeles, California

User Intent: Most users probably want to find different cufflink styles and options to browse or purchase.


This LP has a large collection of cufflinks from a very reputable retailer. There are many options and styles. This is a good page for browsing. There are helpful features at the top to choose styles, price ranges, etc.

Query: [twist of fate ring pandora]

User Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

User Intent:The user is looking for a specific ring sold by the Pandora brand and likely wants to research the ring, see what it looks like, find options to browse or purchase, etc.


This result has a variety of images of the ring, showing different angles and materials. Knowing what the ring looks like is very helpful to users who are researching the product and browsing options that are available.