Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met レーティングのガイドライン」

24.0 異なるクエリに対する辞書・百科事典の検索結果の評価

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年08月16日

辞書や百科事典の結果に Needs Met 評価を割り当てるときは、ユーザーの意図に十分注意する必要があります。すべての結果と同様に、辞書や百科事典の結果の有用性はクエリとユーザーの意図に依存します。

辞書や百科事典の結果は多くの検索でトピック的に関連している可能性がありますが、評価対象の地域のほとんどの人がすでに理解している一般的な単語については、役に立たないことがよくあります。クエリに対するユーザーの意図が「それは何ですか」または「それはどういう意味ですか」である可能性が高く、辞書や百科事典の結果に対するNeeds Met 評価はそのような種類の情報を探しているユーザーに役立つ結果の場合に高くなります。

重要:一般的な単語や一般的な項目に対する辞書や百科事典の結果の有用性については、慎重に検討してください。一般的な単語に対する辞書や百科事典の結果からメリットを得られるユーザーがほとんどいない場合は、Slightly Meets 評価が適切でしょう。また、メリットを得られるユーザーがほとんどいないかまったくいない場合は、Fails to Meet 評価が適切です。

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP、Needs Met評価 説明







クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP、Needs Met評価 説明

クエリ:「 虹」






クエリ: [カフェテリア]






クエリ: [ATMの歴史]





クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP、Needs Met評価 説明

クエリ:[近くの ATM]


ユーザーの意図:ユーザーの所在地の近くにある ATM を検索する。






ユーザーの意図:ほとんどのユーザーはおそらく近くの ATM を探しています。ATM に関する一般的な情報 (歴史、仕組みなど) を探しているユーザーは少ないでしょう。




24.0 Rating Dictionary and Encyclopedia Results for Different Queries

When assigning Needs Met ratings for dictionary and encyclopedia results, careful attention must be paid to the user intent. Like all results, the helpfulness of dictionary and encyclopedia results depend on the query and user intent.

Dictionary and encyclopedia results may be topically relevant for many searches, but often these results are not helpful for common words that most people in your rating locale already understand. Reserve high Needs Met ratings for dictionary and encyclopedia results when the user intent for the query is likely "what is it" or "what does it mean" and the result is helpful for users seeking that type of information.

Important: Think very carefully about the helpfulness of dictionary and encyclopedia results for ordinary words and common items. If few users would benefit from a dictionary or encyclopedia result for a common word, a Slightly Meets rating may be appropriate. If very few or no users would benefit, then Fails to Meet is appropriate.

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating Explanation

Query: [obsequious]

User Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

User Intent: Users are probably looking for the definition of this vocabulary word.


This is a vocabulary word often studied in secondary school and found on college entrance exams. Many users may be looking for a definition and would find this dictionary result helpful.


Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating Explanation

Query: [rainbow]

User Location: Lincoln, Nebraska

User Intent: This is a broad query. Users could be looking for many things, including images of rainbows, brands or local stores/organizations with "rainbow" in their name, etc.


Most users probably already know what a rainbow is and would not be looking for a definition. Even if the user needs help understanding the word, images or a simple description would be more helpful than this dictionary result.

Query: [cafeteria]

User Location: Eugene, Oregon

User Intent: Most
English-speaking users in the US are familiar with cafeterias. Users are most likely looking for a place to eat.


Most users are looking for a place to eat rather than general information about cafeterias.
Even though this is an in-depth encyclopedia article that matches the topic of the query, it would be helpful for few users.

Query: [history of ATM machines]

User Location: Birmingham, Alabama

User Intent: Find information about the history of ATM machines (e.g., the inventor, when it was invented, its evolution, etc.).


The user wants to learn more information about the history of ATM machines. This encyclopedia article includes an extensive section on ATM machine history. This result would be very helpful for users looking to learn more about the history of ATM machines.

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP, Needs Met Rating Explanation

Query: [atm near me]

User Location: Livingston, Wyoming

User Intent: Find ATMs near the user location.


The user intent is to find a nearby ATM machine. This encyclopedia article fails to meet the need of the user because it has no information about nearby ATM locations.


Query: [atm]

User Location: El Paso, Texas

User Intent: Most users are probably looking for ATMs nearby. Fewer users would be looking for general information about ATMs (history, how they work, etc.).


This encyclopedia article about ATMs is a minor interpretation of the query. This result would be helpful for fewer users; most users would be looking for locations of ATMs nearby.