Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met レーティングのガイドライン」

16.1 ウェブサイトとVisit-in-Personの両方を意図したクエリの評価

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年07月29日


1. ウェブサイトにアクセスする意図:例えば、情報を調べる、オンラインで何かを購入する、予約をする、予定を立てる、カスタマーサポートとやり取りする、またはオンラインで満たされるその他のニーズを満たす等をする。

2. Visit-in-Person(面と面で行う)意図:ユーザーはお店、会社等々に直に行きたい。

ユーザーの意図はどちらか一方を達成することであることは分かっています、ですがユーザーがどちらを望んでいるのかは不透明です。このようなクエリでは1つの意図しか満たさない結果ブロックはFully Meetsの評価を得るべきでは”無い”です。

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP Needs Met評価と説明













クエリとユーザーの意図 結果ブロックとLP Needs Met評価と説明








16.1 Rating Queries with Both Website and Visit-in-Person Intent

Some queries have two possible strong intents:

1. Go to the website intent: in order to, for example, find out information, buy something online, make a reservation, schedule an appointment, interact with customer support, or fulfill some other need that can be satisfied online
2. Visit-in-person intent: user wants to visit the store, business, etc. in person

We know the user intent is to accomplish one or the other, but it is unclear which one the user wants. For these queries, result blocks that only satisfy one intent should NOT get a Fully Meets rating.

Query and User Intent Result Block and LP Needs Met Rating and Explanation

Query: [target]

User Location: Jacksonville, Florida

User Intent: There are two possible strong user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby Target location or go to the website to shop online, research products, find prices, etc.


The result block shows three popular Target locations in Jacksonville, with information that is especially helpful for users who want to visit the store. This fulfills the user intent to find a nearby Target location.


  The result is very satisfying and fulfills the user intent to shop online or otherwise use the website.

Query: [dmv]

User Location: Belmont, California

User Intent: There are two possible strong user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby DMV location or go to the DMV website to renew a license, pay a fee, find some information, etc.


The result block shows two nearby DMV locations, with information that is especially helpful for users who want to visit the locations. This fulfills the user intent to find a nearby DMV location.


  The result is very satisfying and fulfills the user intent to find information or otherwise use the website (e.g., to review a license, pay a fee).
Query and User Intent Result Block and LP Needs Met Rating and Explanation

Query: [citibank]

User Location: Palo Alto, California

User Intent: There are two possible strong user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby Citibank location or go to the website to bank online.


The result block shows three nearby Citibank locations in the user location of Palo Alto. The information is especially helpful for users who want to visit the bank.

This fulfills the user intent to find a nearby Citibank location.

  The result is very satisfying and fulfills the user intent to do online banking or otherwise use the website.