Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met レーティングのガイドライン」

13.5.1 Slightly Meets (SM)の結果ブロックの例

最新原文: 2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年05月01日

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Slightly Meetsとしての説明

クエリ:[ブリトニー スピアーズ]





クエリ:[ホンダ オデッセイ]















クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Slightly Meetsとしての説明

クエリ:[エイブ リンカーン 誕生日]




しかし、エイブラハム・リンカーンの誕生日はすぐ分かる様にはに表示されておらず、欲しい答えがそこにあることは明白ではありません。ユーザーは欲しい答えを見つけるためにページ内を探し回らなければなりません。よってこれのレーティングはSlightly Meets(少し合う(SM))かSlightly Meets+(少し合う+(SM+))が適切でしょう。






クエリ:[ネイル スパ]










クエリ:[210 市外局番]





クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Slightly Meetsとしての説明








ユーザーの意図:映画『スター・トレック イントゥ・ダークネス』に登場する架空の惑星であり、実際には存在しない太陽系外の疑似科学的な惑星でもある「ニビル」の場所が知りたい。



注意:携帯電話では「クリックのコスト」は高いものです。非常に誤解を招きやすい、または誇張されたタイトルの検索結果はSlightly Meets (SM)またはそれより下の評価にされるべきです。


13.5.1 Examples of Slightly Meets (SM) Result Blocks

Query and User Intent Result Rating Slightly Meets Explanation

Query: [britney spears]

User Location: Baltimore, Maryland

User Intent: The LP of this mobile-friendly web result has a 2006 article about Britney Spears filing for divorce. This is very old, stale news, making the result helpful for few users.


The LP for this web result is a high-quality page on—a member site on the TechCrunch network—with a profile of Shutterfly. The MC has a lot of helpful and accurate information about the company and is easy to read on a mobile device. This result would be helpful for many users or very helpful for some.

Query: [honda odyssey]

User Location: Miami, Florida

User Intent: We will assume that users are interested in the current Honda Odyssey model, unless specified otherwise.


Although the LP has comprehensive information from a reputable source, and is easy to use on a mobile device, the information is about the 2010 Honda Odyssey. This information would be considered stale for the query today, making this result helpful for some or few users.

Query: [hot dog]

User Location: Sunnyvale, California

User Intent: Find information about hot dogs, such as recipes or nutrition information.


The LP of this web result is about the movie “Hot Dog,” which came out in 1984 and is a minor interpretation of this query.
Because this is an unlikely interpretation, this web result would be helpful for few users, even though the landing page has good content from a reputable source, and is easy to use on a mobile device.

Query: [motorcycles]

User Location: Potsdam, New York

User Intent: Find information about motorcycles.


This result provides contact information for one of the two motorcycle shops in Potsdam, New York. It is possible this would be helpful for some users, but many users would be looking for information. Additionally, there is distracting information (a listing for an insurance agent).

Query and User Intent Result Rating Slightly Meets Explanation

Query: [abe lincoln’s birthday]

User Location: Fort Davis, Texas

User Intent: Find this specific piece of information.


This is a Wikipedia page that has birthdays for all U.S. presidents, including Abraham Lincoln.
However, his birthday is not prominently displayed and it is not obvious that the answer is there—users have to do some work and search around on the page to find the answer, making SM to SM+ an appropriate rating.

Query: [lack of sex and problems with my marriage]

User Location: Waco, Texas

User Intent: Find help for marital issues.


The quality of writing in this article, which was created by a person without expertise in marriage or relationship counseling, is poor. Even though the article is about the query, the page is low quality and untrustworthy. It would be helpful for few users.

Query: [nail spa]

User Location: San Jose, California

User Intent: Find a nail spa in or near San Jose.


Burke Williams is a day spa that offers many treatments like massage therapy, skin care, etc. While it does have nail care options, it is not a dedicated nail spa.

Query: [what type of sharks live in rivers]

User Location: Tucson, Arizona

User Intent: Find information about what types of sharks live in rivers.


This result block does not contain enough information to be fully satisfying and mentions only one type of shark. Most users would need to do further research.

Query: [210 area code]

User Location: Austin, Texas

User Intent: Find what area uses the 210 area code for phone numbers.


The answer in this result block is really confusing. Even if users can figure it out, they would likely still have to click on the link, or go to another website, to confirm the information.
While there is a map, you would have to expand or click on it to see the details, so it is not that helpful.

Query and User Intent Result Rating Slightly Meets Explanation

Query: [ibm]

User Location: Rockville, Maryland

User Intent: Go to the IBM website or find information about the company.


This block contains images of the logo for IBM, but these images are not particularly helpful for this query.

Query: [where is nibiru]

User Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

User Intent: Find the location of “Nibiru”, which was a fictional planet in the movie Star Trek Into Darkness, as well as a pseudoscientific outer planet in the solar system that doesn’t actually exist.


The title of this article makes it appear as though the article describes an impending catastrophe. Yet, the MC states in its third paragraph that Nibiru “doesn’t actually exist” and calls believers in it “conspiracy theorists”. The title contradicts the content of the article, and as a result could mislead users who don’t read the full article.

Note: The “cost of a click” is high on mobile phones. Results with very misleading or exaggerated titles should be rated Slightly Meets or lower.