Google検索品質評価ガイドラインPart 3「Needs Met評価のガイドライン」

13.6.1 Fails to Meet(FailsM)の結果ブロックの例

最新原文: 2024年03月05日 |公開日: 2024年11月04日

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Fails to Meetとしての説明








クエリ:[ユナイテッド 656]



この結果には教会、イベント会場、最寄りの空港の情報を示しています。しかし、ユーザーは明らかに特定のフライトの詳細を知りたがっており、このブロックにはフライトに関する情報はまったくありません。この結果はユーザーのニーズを満たしていません、Fails to Meet(全く合わない(FailsM))です。





このページは完全にユーザーのニーズを満たすことができないFails to Meetです。

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Fails to Meetとしての説明





このLPはオーストラリアの害虫駆除会社のホームページです。米国のユーザーはこの問題を解決するためには米国の会社が必要です。ページとロケールの間にミスマッチが存在し、この結果はどのユーザーにとっても役に立ちません。ユーザーのニーズにまったく応えられないFails to Meetです。

クエリ:[開始 ジェッツ クォーターバック 2001]




NFLフットボールに関する情報としては信頼できるウェブサイトなのですが、このLPにはユーザーが要求した情報が含まれていません。この結果は完全にユーザーのニーズを満たしていないFails to Meetです。

クエリ:[医者 給料]





クエリ:[階段 発明者 だれ]



この結果ブロックに記載された回答は事実に反して不正確です。階段は1948年よりずっと以前から建物、通路、屋外構造物などの一般的な建築的特徴のひとつであり、Werner Bösendörferという人物が発明したものではありません。





ユーザーが米国にいることを考えると、このクエリがトルコの”バットマン”という名の都市の情報を探している可能性は極めて低いでしょう(完全に可能性は無いでしょう)。この結果は完全にユーザーのニーズを満たしていないFails to Meetです。

クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Fails to Meetとしての説明

クエリ:[天気 パリス テキサス]





クエリ:[ゴーカート 販売]




この結果ブロックはペンシルベニア州ワーリントン市のゴーカート場と周辺地域の他の2つのゴーカート場を示しています。これら場所はゴーカートに乗りに行く場所であり、購入する場所ではありません。ですのでこの結果は完全にFails to Meetでユーザーの意図を満たしていません。






クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Fails to Meetとしての説明











ニュース情報のこの結果は、このクエリには不適切でありまったく役に立ちません。この結果は完全にユーザーのニーズを満たしていないFails to Meetです。

クエリ::[2008 全豪オープン 男子シングルス 結果]



このLPは2004年の全豪オープンについてのものであり、2008年の全豪オープンについてのものではありません。ユーザーの意図(つまり2008年の情報)を満たすための重要なクエリの要素に注意を払っていません。この結果はFails to Meetでユーザーの意図を満たしていません。

クエリ:[歯 抜けた 5才]



このLPには魚のカマスの歯の損失に関する情報があり、「5歳」という言葉がページ内にあります。この結果はキーワードの適合のみでクエリに役立たないため、Fails to Meetでユーザーの意図を満たしていません。.






クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Fails to Meetとしての説明




このLPは夫がスーツを買うのを手伝う妻についてのユーモラスなブログ記事です。このページには”American Express”について言及していますが、クエリとの関連性が不十分でユーザーにとってはなんら役に立たないためユーザーの意図を満たしていないFails to Meetです。

注: このブログ記事が新しいものであったとしても、ユーザーの意図を満たしていない可能性があります。

クエリ:[どうやって 止める 喫煙]



このLPには意味のわからない文章があります。この文章を読んでみてください: 「キーボードでタバコの記号を作るには?に。」この結果はクエリに役立ちません。

クエリ:[エア・カナダ 電話番号]



答が事実に基づいて正確かどうかを確認することを忘れないでください。この結果についてはこの会社のページである care/int/ にアクセスして、国はUSAを選択してそこに表示されている電話番号を確認してください。
この航空会社のウェブサイトによると、正しい電話番号は 1-888-247-2262です。表示されている回答は間違っているため、Fails to Meetと評価されるべきです。

クエリ:[マイリー サイラス]



この例となる記事が書かれた時にはマイリー・サイラスは生きていました。このLPは無名の著者によって書かれた記事であり、あたかもニュース記事のように見せかけて彼女が死んでしまったと偽っています。また、このページは虚偽な情報であることが証明されてから数日経っても更新、説明、削除されていません。このページは役に立たないためFails to Meetと評価されるべきです。


クエリとユーザーの意図 結果 評価 Fails to Meetとしての説明




このLPはAngela Merkelがアドルフ・ヒトラーの娘であるという根拠のない陰謀論を紹介するブログ記事です。MCは不正確で誤解を招くためにページのトピックがクエリに合っているにもかかわらず完全にユーザーの意図を満たさないFails to Meetです。



13.6.1 Examples of Fails to Meet (FailsM) Result Blocks

Query and User Intent Result Rating Fails to Meet Explanation

Query: [mike]

User Location: Eustis, Florida

User Intent: Find information about something related to Mike.

Note: For this query, it is unlikely users want to go anywhere in person.


This is a broad query and it is unclear exactly what the user is looking for.

This result block shows visit-in-person information for two businesses that contain the name Mike. However, the query is very broad and it is very unlikely these businesses are what users seek given the query.

Query: [united 656]

User Intent: Find information about flight 656 operated by United Airlines (e.g., whether the flight is on time, what gate it is departing from).


This result shows information for a church, an event venue, and the closest airport. However, users clearly want to know details about a specific flight, and there is absolutely no information in the block about the flight. This result Fails to Meet the user intent.

Query: [german cars]

User Intent: Find information about German cars or go to the official homepage of a German automaker.


This LP is the homepage of Subaru, a Japanese car company, not a German car company.

The page completely Fails to Meet the needs of the user.

Query and User Intent Result Rating Fails to Meet Explanation

Query: [company to get rid of the possum in my attic]

User Location: Naperville, Illinois

User Intent: Find a company to trap and remove a possum from the attic.


This LP is the homepage of a pest control company in Australia. U.S. users would need a U.S. company to take care of this problem. There is a mismatch between the page and the locale that makes this result helpful for no users—it completely Fails to Meet the needs of the user.

Query: [starting jets quarterback 2001]

User Location: Chicago, Illinois

User Intent: Find the name of the starting quarterback for the New York Jets football team in 2001.


Although this is a trustworthy website for information about NFL football, this LP does not contain the information requested by the user. This result Fails to Meet the needs of the user.

Query: [doctor salary]

User Location: San Francisco, California

User Intent: Find information about doctor salaries.


The answer in this block is about the cost of education, not salary, which is misleading and doesn’t answer the user’s query.

Query: [who invented stairs]

User Intent: Find out about the origin of stairs.


The answer provided in this result block is factually inaccurate. Stairs have been a common architectural feature of buildings, pathways, outdoor structures, etc. since long before 1948, and they were not invented by a person named Werner Bösendörfer.

Query: [batman]

User Location: Anaheim, California

User Intent: Find information about the fictional superhero that appears in American comic books, movies, and television shows.


It is extremely unlikely (potentially a no-chance interpretation) that this query is looking for information on a city in Turkey called Batman, given that the user is located in the United States. No or almost no users would be satisfied with this result.

Query and User Intent Result Rating Fails to Meet Explanation

Query: [weather paris, texas]

User Location: Paris, Texas

User Intent: Find current weather information for Paris, Texas.


This result completely fails to satisfy the user intent, which is to find weather information for Paris, Texas, and not Paris, France.

Query: [go kart for sale]

User Location: Warrington, Pennsylvania

User Intent: Find go karts for sale in the Warrington, Pennsylvania area.


This result block shows a go kart arcade in Warrington, Pennsylvania, and two other go kart arcades in the surrounding area. These arcades are places to go ride go karts, not purchase them, so the result completely Fails to Meet the user intent.

Query: [ralphs]

User Location: San Clemente, California

User Intent: There are two possible user intents: most users probably want to visit a nearby Ralphs location or go to the website.


Ralphs is a nationwide supermarket chain. These locations are all in San Diego, California, which is a major city south of the user location (about 60 miles away). These results are too far to be helpful.

Query and User Intent Result Rating Fails to Meet Explanation

Query: [amazon]

User Location: Austin, Texas

User Intent: Go to the Amazon website.


Users issuing this query want to go to the Amazon website.

Showing information about how to visit or call the corporate office for an online company would not be helpful. At the time this example was written, the Amazon corporate office was not open to the public; very, very few people ever go to an Amazon corporate office. If someone needed to go to the office for an interview or business visit, they would need to get that information from someone at the company or would use a more specific query.

Query: [what is the closest large city]

User Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

User Intent: Find the closest large city to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.


A news result is completely unhelpful for this query. This result Fails to Meet the needs of the user.

Query: [australian open mens singles result 2008]

User Intent: Find a page that displays the 2008 men’s singles result for this tennis tournament.


This LP is about the 2004 Australian Open, not the 2008 Australian Open. It does not pay attention to an aspect of the query that is important for satisfying user intent (i.e., 2008). The result Fails to Meet the user intent.

Query: [tooth loss five years old]

User Intent: Find information about tooth loss in a five-year-old child.


This LP has information about tooth loss in pike fish and has the words “five years old” on the page. This result Fails to Meet the user intent because it has keyword matches only and is unhelpful for the query.

Query: [what is wedding in spanish]

User Intent: Find how to say the word “wedding” in Spanish.


The translation in the result block is completely wrong and inaccurate.

Mañana means “tomorrow,” not “wedding.”

Query and User Intent Result Rating Fails to Meet Explanation

Query: [american express]

User Intent: Go to the American Express card website or get information about the company and its products and services.


The LP is a humorous blog post about a wife helping her husband to buy a suit. The page mentions “American Express,” but is insufficiently related to the query to be helpful for users, so it Fails to Meet the user intent.

Note: Even if this blog post were more recent, it would still fail to meet the user intent.

Query: [how to quit smoking]

User Intent: Find information on ways to quit smoking.


This LP has gibberish text. Read this sentence: “How do you make a cigarette symbol on the keyboard? In.” This result is unhelpful for the query.

Query: [air canada phone number]

User Intent: Find the customer service phone number for the airline Air Canada.


Remember that you should check for the factual accuracy of answers. For this result, go to the company’s page at care/int/ and select USA to check the number shown here.
According to the airline’s website, the correct phone number is 1-888-247-2262. Because this answer is incorrect, it should be rated Fails to Meet.

Query: [miley cyrus]

User Intent: Find information about the American singer/actress Miley Cyrus, such as biographical info, discography/filmography, current news, etc.


Miley Cyrus was alive at the time this example was written. This LP is an article written by an unknown author that was designed to look like a news story and falsely states that she died. The article has not been updated, clarified, or removed even days after having been proven false. This result is useless so it should be rated Fails to Meet.

Remember: Just because a website has the look and feel of a traditional news site does NOT mean that you should consider the reporting to be factually accurate without further research. Watch out for sites that present themselves as news, but were actually created with the intent to mislead or misinform users.

Query and User Intent Result Rating Fails to Meet Explanation

Query: [who is hitler’s daughter]

User Intent: Find the name of or information about Adolf Hitler’s daughter, if Hitler in fact had a daughter.


This LP is a blog post presenting a factually unsupported conspiracy theory that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolph Hitler. Because the MC is inaccurate and misleading, it completely Fails to Meet the user intent, even though the topic of the page matches the query.

Note: A more helpful result for this query might confirm that Adolf Hitler had no children, or provide information on the novel Hitler’s Daughter by Jackie French.