
28.0 タスクのリリース

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年08月16日

ほとんどの評価者は、時々、タスクを評価するのに苦労します。一部のクエリは、非常に技術的なトピック (コンピューター サイエンスや物理学など) に関するものや、非常に専門的な関心分野 (ゲームやトレントなど) に関するものです。

評価インターフェースの [問題を報告 / このタスクをリリース] ボタンを使用して、問題を報告し、タスクをリリースします。以下は[問題を報告 / このタスクをリリース] ボタンの例です:






専門知識の欠如: これらのクエリには専門的な知識が必要であり、評価者によっては難しいかもしれません。

クエリ 一般的なクエリのトピック



[minecraft gun and vehicles 1.1 mod インストーラー]


[python pandas インデックス マトリックス]





28.0 Releasing Tasks

Most raters have difficulty rating some tasks now and then. Some queries are about highly technical topics (e.g., computer science or physics) or involve very specialized areas of interest (e.g., gaming or torrents).

You will report problems and release tasks using the “Report a Problem / Release this Task” button in the rating interface. Here is what the “Report a Problem / Release this Task” button looks like:

Clicking the red button displays a menu with several reporting and release options:

Please note that changes are sometimes made to this menu, so it may not look exactly as it appears above.

In general, you should choose whichever option best describes your reason for releasing the task. If you are unsure, please select the closest option, or contact your employer/company for further guidance.

Please leave a comment explaining the release when it makes sense to provide additional information, for example, when you are releasing for a “technical problem.”

Here are some examples for the "lack expertise” and “technical problem” release options.

Lack expertise: These queries require specialized knowledge and may be difficult for some raters.

Query General Query Topic

[cortisol secretion shows a blank pattern of secretion]

Scientific query

[minecraft gun and vehicles 1.1 mod installer]

Gaming query

[python pandas index like matrix]

Technical query

Technical problem: These result blocks have question marks and other characters where text should be.

Note: Based on the number and/or type of tasks that you release, you may be asked to provide additional details about the reason for some of the releases.