
30.2 評価者が特定した重複

最新原文:2021年10月19日 | 公開日:2024年08月19日



特定のクエリ: ユーザーが特定のコンテンツを探しているクエリ (歌詞を探すクエリや特定の記事を探すクエリなど) の場合、そのコンテンツを別のサイトから取得することはユーザーが情報を確認する役に立つ可能性があるため、重複と評価されるべきではありません。

広範なクエリ: クエリが広範な場合、同じコンテンツを返すことはユーザーの求めているものではないため、それらの結果は重複としてフラグを立てる必要があります。ページ上のコンテンツにわずかな違い(異なる広告、画像、関連リンクなど)があっても、重複と見なされる可能性があります。






30.2 Rater-Identified Duplicates

You are also asked to help identify duplicate results that have not been automatically detected. Please mark two results as dupes if they have essentially the same content on the main landing page AND you would not want a search engine to return both results for the query.

Please note that in Needs Met rating and other query-based tasks, dupe identification is query-dependent.

Specific queries: For queries where the user is looking for a specific piece of content (such as queries looking for song lyrics, queries looking for a specific article, etc.), obtaining that piece of content from different sites could be helpful for users to verify the information, so they should not be rated as dupes.

Broad queries: If the query is broad, then returning the same piece of content is not what the user is looking for, and hence those results should be flagged as dupes. Results may be considered dupes even if they have minor content differences on the page (such as different ads, images, or related links).

Please identify dupes both within the same side and across sides. Even for cross-side results, you should still ask yourself the question, “Would users want to see both results if they were returned by the same search engine?”

Note: If two result blocks have very different types of content or very different appearances, do not mark them as duplicates even if they have the same landing page URL. For example, these two blocks should not be marked as duplicates of each other.