2.5.1 ホームページを見つける
1. PQ評価タスクのURLのランディングページを良く調べます。
2. 通常はページの一番上に表示される、ウェブサイトの名前またはロゴ (「ホーム(home)」または「メイン(main)」と表示されることもあります) の付いたリンクを見つけてクリックします。
時には正当な「ホームページ」の候補が2つ以上あるURLがレーティングタスクに含まれることがあります。たとえば、https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar というURLのホームページが http://finance.yahoo.com か http://www.yahoo.com のどちらであるか判らないことがあります。
タスクとなるページのURL | ウェブサイトのホームページ | ホームページにアクセスするためにクリックする場所 |
http://www.williams-sonoma.c om/products/shun-premier-7- piece-knife-block-set | http://www.williams-sonoma.com | Williams-Sonoma Homepage
http://hms.harvard.edu/about-hms/facts-figures |
このケースでは http://www.harvard.edu(ハーバード大学のホームページ)ではなく、http://hms.harvard.edu にあるハーバードメディカルスクールのページをホームページと見なすことにします。http://hms.harvard.edu/about-hms/facts-figures の上部にあるロゴをクリックすると、ユーザーは http://www.harvard.edu ではなく http://hms.harvard.edu に移動します。 |
Harvard Medical School Facts and Figures Page
原文2.5.1 Finding the Homepage
The homepage of a website usually contains or has links to important information about the website. Website owners usually make it easy to get to the homepage from any page on the site.
Here’s how to find the homepage of a website:
1. Examine the landing page of the URL in your PQ rating task.
2. Find and click on the link labeled with the name or logo of the website (occasionally labeled as “home” or “main”), which usually appears at the top of the page.Sometimes, you may be given a webpage or website that appears to have no navigation links, no homepage link, and no logo or other means to find the homepage. Even some High or Highest quality pages lack a way to navigate to the homepage. If you can’t find a link to the homepage, modify the URL by removing everything to the right of “.com,” “.org,” “.net,” “.fr,” etc. and refresh the page.
Occasionally, your rating task will include a URL for which there are two or more justifiable “homepage” candidates. For example, you may not be sure whether the homepage of the URL https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar is http://finance.yahoo.com or http://www.yahoo.com.
Important: When you have more than one homepage “candidate,” please use whichever one offers the most information about the specific webpage in the rating task. Use your judgment. The goal is to understand the webpage and the website(s) it is associated with, not find the one unique, correct homepage.
In the following examples, we have included the URL of the page to be evaluated in the rating task, as well as the URL of its associated homepage. We have also included an image that shows where to click on the landing page to navigate to the homepage. In the image, you will see a red box around the link or logo you would click to navigate to the homepage.
URL of the Task Page Homepage of the Website Where to click to get to the Homepage http://www.williams-sonoma.c om/products/shun-premier-7- piece-knife-block-set http://www.williams-sonoma.com Williams-Sonoma Homepage This “WILLIAMS-SONOMA” logo shown in the upper center of the page is clickable and takes users to the homepage of the website.
http://hms.harvard.edu/about-hms/facts-figures n this case, we will consider the Harvard Medical School page at http://hms.harvard.edu to be the homepage, rather than http://www.harvard.edu (which is the homepage of Harvard University). Clicking the logo at the top of http://hms.harvard.edu/about-hms/facts-figures takes users to
http://hms.harvard.edu, not to http://www.harvard.edu.Harvard Medical School Facts and Figures Page This “Harvard Medical School” logo in the upper left part of the page is clickable and takes users to the homepage of the Harvard Medical School website.
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